Long Weekend Camping – Canada Day!

The long weekend just passed and it seemed as though half of us went camping. It was such a great weekend and Brandon and I saw some beautiful places! We took a small road trip to Niagara and stayed near Port Erie in the cutest campsite. On the way, we stopped in Hamilton to see Webster’s Falls and Tew Falls. Those were both so beautiful, yet so close to where we live at the moment. While camping in Niagara, we drove downtown to see Niagara Falls even though we’ve both seen it many times, and we went around shopping and exploring the entertainment in the area.

I have to say though…. sleeping in a tent IS SO UNCOMFORTABLE. This the second time I’ve been camping (both times with Brandon thank god because he is a master camper I swear) and both times I could not sleep well. The first time we camped in Tobermory, we didn’t have an air mattress or anything and I swear I had a rock stuck under my back the whole weekend…. and this time we had air mattresses… yes two. We had two singles and tried to put them into one Queen sheet…. we ended up rolling in between the mattresses all night. Also, IT WAS FREEZING the first night. I woke up shivering and we had multiple blankets, sleeping bags and hoodies. Overall, it was still a great weekend and I would love to go camping again, I just wish I could get better sleep haha.

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