Hawaii Travel Diaries- Kauai Day 4

Day 4: so relaxing..

This day was so much more relaxing than the prior day we had. After all the hiking we did, and the bug bites I had gotten, we just wanted to chill out and see things that didn’t involve a crazy amount of physical exercise. We headed our for breaky in the morning at this ultra modern cafe-ish business down the road from where we were staying. It was in the “downtown-like” area I mentioned before in Kapaa. It was attached to a little store that was just so…. Instagram? Is that an adjective now? I can’t really describe it in any other way other than being crazy aesthetic and hip. Not to mention crazy EXPENSIVE. The bikini top I loved was $213 USD… and the sunglasses I also liked were $260 USD and weren’t even a name brand I knew. Our breakfast was $40 so that wasn’t terrible compared to their other items.

After breakfast we started our drive to see Queen’s Bath. This is something I’ve been wanting to see for ages and have had photos of it saved on my Macbook for years. It looked amazing in photos and since I was in Hawaii I may as well go see it in person. We finally found it and took the mini hike down to the water to see it, along with King’s Bath. This place was crazy; so unique and like nothing I’ve ever seen before. I wouldn’t swim in it though because I’ve heard of the dangers of Queen’s Bath and the warning sign with the death count on a wooden plank out front really turned me off. It was fascinating to see and even more fascinating to see all the local kids (around 13/14 years old) back flip in and all lounge like it was really no big deal. They were so trained for this and held no fear.. truly jealous of these island kids.

After seeing everyone swim in Queen’s Bath and being too chicken to join in, we were determined to find a waterfall to swim in. So we headed on out and made our drive to Wailua Falls. It was very easy to find, GPS showed us how to drive right up to it and it was viewable from the street. That was not good enough though.. we wanted to find a way down and I knew it was possible because there were 3 people swimming at the bottom. We started walking down the road that just brought us here and saw people soaking wet walking back towards the parked cars. They actually approached us and asked if we wanted to go down and showed us how and so we went.

It was so steep to get down, jesus. Brandon actually fell and scraped his knee up pretty bad but after numerous ropes and muddy path ways we finally got down and boy was it breathtaking to be that close to the falls and be able to swim at the bottom of them. Truly a mermaid moment.

Once we finished and made our way back up to the street to our car, we were covered in mud… it was bad. All we wanted was food and a hot shower so we headed back to our home and made dinner and cleaned up. But the night was not over… there were more things we wanted to see but were so drained of energy so we went to watch the sunset at Poipu Beach near the south point of the island. Super beautiful.


xo Christina

Long Weekend Camping – Canada Day!

The long weekend just passed and it seemed as though half of us went camping. It was such a great weekend and Brandon and I saw some beautiful places! We took a small road trip to Niagara and stayed near Port Erie in the cutest campsite. On the way, we stopped in Hamilton to see Webster’s Falls and Tew Falls. Those were both so beautiful, yet so close to where we live at the moment. While camping in Niagara, we drove downtown to see Niagara Falls even though we’ve both seen it many times, and we went around shopping and exploring the entertainment in the area.

I have to say though…. sleeping in a tent IS SO UNCOMFORTABLE. This the second time I’ve been camping (both times with Brandon thank god because he is a master camper I swear) and both times I could not sleep well. The first time we camped in Tobermory, we didn’t have an air mattress or anything and I swear I had a rock stuck under my back the whole weekend…. and this time we had air mattresses… yes two. We had two singles and tried to put them into one Queen sheet…. we ended up rolling in between the mattresses all night. Also, IT WAS FREEZING the first night. I woke up shivering and we had multiple blankets, sleeping bags and hoodies. Overall, it was still a great weekend and I would love to go camping again, I just wish I could get better sleep haha.

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The Perfect Summer Bucket List 2016

Summer is right around the corner and what better than to make a bucket list of all the stuff you’re gonna do during it. Here we go!

1. Take a road trip


2. Find a waterfall


3. Go to a festival


4. Attend a sports game


5. Get a tan


6. Have a bonfire


7. Go to a country you’ve never been before


8. Have a pool party with friends all day


9. Go camping 


10. Go cliff jumping


11. Sleep on a beach


12. Go to Disney World or Harry Potter Land


13. Go to the Zoo


14. Go to a drive-in movie


15. Learn to do something new


16. Go boating


17. Spend a day at a water park


18. Watch the sunrise/sunset


19. Have a photoshoot for fun


20. Make new friends in far places



Love Christina xo